Hormone Replacement
At Personalized Vitality Clinic, our hormone therapy for women helps Cleveland patients restore optimal hormone balance. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for women may help any woman whose hormones are out of balance. Most commonly, women seek hormone replacement therapy when they are experiencing menopause.
The BioTE method of hormone replacement therapy consists of bioidentical pellets that are custom compounded based on your blood levels.
BioTE pellets are plant based and are designed to structurally match human hormones made in the body. The pellets are inserted subcutaneously during a quick in-office visit. No recovery time or downtime is required.
Estrogen and testosterone are released based on your cardiac output and typically last 3 to 4 months. No creams, gels, or injections, just a constant stream of optimized hormones.
Signs and Symptoms of Imbalanced Hormones
- Unexplained Weight Gain
- Difficulty Sleeping
- Decreased Sex Drive
- Breast Tenderness
- Irritability, Anxiety, Depression
- Muscle Weakness
- Excessive Sweating
- Changes in Sensitivity to Cold or Heat
- Vaginal Dryness
- Brain Fog
- Fatigue
- Pain, Stiffness, or Swelling in Joints
Your bioTEĀ® Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Therapy will be performed inĀ Personalized Vitality Clinic'sĀ surgery center located in Akron, Ohio.
Once Optimized, Patients Report:
Improved Recovery
Improved mood,
sleep, and mental
Increased energy,
weight loss, and
muscle mass
Improved Libido
Restored libido
and better sex
Benefits of BHRT
- Increased Energy
- Improved Sex Drive
- Reduced Anxiety
- Better Sleep
- Improved Mood and Mental Clarity
- Relief from Menopausal Symptoms
Why bioTEĀ®?
No weekly injections
No creams or gels
Constant stream of hormones at optimized levels
Bioidentical to what your body is already making
Precision dosing tailor-made based on your specific blood serum levels
Getting Started is Easy. Schedule a discovery call today!
All it takes is a simple blood test to check your current hormone
levels to see if hormone optimization therapy might be right for