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Solving Low Testosterone

Low testosterone, otherwise known as “low T”, is when the male sex hormone testosterone drops below normal.

You may notice a decrease in sex drive, show signs of erectile dysfunction (ED), and a lack of energy.

bioTE® method of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) could bring you back to levels of when you were in the prime of your life.

Starting around age 35, most men lose 1% to 5% of testosterone per year – do the math and that can be about 20% every decade of life.

Over the long term, low level of testosterone is a slippery slope, not only in sexual health, but general health as well.


Lower levels of testosterone can put men at risk for:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Loss of lean muscle

Your bioTE® Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Therapy will be performed in Personalized Vitality Clinic's surgery center located in Akron, Ohio.


Does this sound like you?

This stage in a man’s life, around the early to late 40’s, is referred to as andropause, also known as “male menopause”. This period may come with a reduced interest in sex and a decrease in spontaneous erections.

At the same time other chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol may be simultaneously occurring if one is not leading a healthy lifestyle. These chronic conditions on their own are also associated with low testosterone – now you are faced with testosterone deficiency and are more than likely feeling lousy all the way around.

Does this sound like you?

This stage in a man’s life, around the early to late 40’s, is referred to as andropause, also known as “male menopause”. This period may come with a reduced interest in sex and a decrease in spontaneous erections.

At the same time other chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol may be simultaneously occurring if one is not leading a healthy lifestyle. These chronic conditions on their own are also associated with low testosterone – now you are faced with testosterone deficiency and are more than likely feeling lousy all the way around.

Once Optimized, Patients Report:

Improved Recovery

Improved mood,
sleep, and mental


Increased energy,
weight loss, and
muscle mass

Improved Libido

Restored libido
and better sex

Signs & Symptoms of Low-T

  • Decreased energy
  • Lack of motivation
  • Loss of confidence
  • Depression
  • Poor concentration
  • Breast discomfort or swelling
  • Low sex drive
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Trouble sleeping

Why bioTE®?

  • No weekly Injections
  • No creams or gels
  • Constant stream of hormones at optimized levels
  • Bioidentical to what your body is already making
  • Precision Dosing Tailor-Made from your own specific blood serum levels
  • It all starts with a consultation and a simple blood draw
  • Begin treatment, get your life back and stall the aging process
  • Personalized Review of your overall health that will include current hormone levels, Vitamin D, Vitamin B, and thyroid levels

Getting Started is Easy.  Schedule a discovery call today!

All it takes is a simple blood test to check your current hormone
levels to see if hormone optimization therapy might be right for